What will the weather be like in Karachi during Ramadan 2022?

Karachi Weather in Ramadan

Hot and dry winds are blowing from the northwest in Karachi due to which the heat intensified and the mercury reached 38 degrees.

In Karachi, whenever the sea breezes cool down, the weather starts getting warmer. Even today, hot and dry winds are blowing from the northwest for most of the day, which is why the mercury remained at 38 degrees Celsius even today.

The Meteorological Department said that the heat wave in Karachi has reached 38 degrees Celsius, air humidity in Karachi is 25 percent and wind speed from southwest is 18 km per hour.

According to meteorologists, there is low air pressure near Iran and western Afghanistan. Excess air pressure has also become near eastern Afghanistan. Due to low and high pressure, wind direction is changing in Karachi.

Experts say that the heat wave will continue till March 27. The heat wave is expected to decrease in the city on March 28 and 29 but we have entered the summer so pleasant weather cannot be expected. 

The Meteorological Department said that the temperature is likely to rise again between March 30 and April 4 and the month of Ramadan is also likely to be hot.


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